Saturday, September 30, 2017

Blue Chip Strength Investments: A Tale of Two "Cores"

Never in the course of human endeavor has a term been more misused than "the core" as it pertains to personal wellness. For about 80% of you C-Suite Athletes, "the core" means the muscles in the front of your stomach, which for some of you means looking at Gray's Anatomy because you haven't seen your own in 30+ years. However, that definition would be mostly incorrect.  In fact, what you are referring to in that instance would be your "abdominals", which are a muscle group that make up a part of your "muscular core". Your obliques, the other most readily identified part of the core, are a separate group, as are your spinal erectors, your serratus anterior, and even your lats.  The primary function of the "muscular core" is to support and stabilize your spine. That's it.

Now the other "core" is not a muscle group at all. It refers to the basic exercises around which every successful strength program is built.  The requirements for a "core exercise" are simple: it must utilize multiple joints, use a two-handed grip on a barbell or other implement- or use bodyweight, and have a closed kinetic chain (NERD ALERT....NERD ALERT).  A "closed kinetic chain" means you have both feet on the ground.   So...with that in mind, how many core exercises are there?  Let's see...Squat, check...Deadlift, check...Clean, check...Snatch, check...Overhead Press, check...Bench Press...ummm...ok, check. Not many.  Now, take away those that will absolutely cause injury in the C-Suite crowd:  Snatch, double-check...Clean, check.  I removed the last two immediately because they are very technical movements that are ballistic; they require a sudden expression of power that can dangerous if not executed perfectly  So here is a declarative statement: I will never include cleans or snatches in a resistance training program for any C-Suite client.  If that's your thing, go do Crossfit. Then call me when you have your rotator cuff surgery. And note that there are no curls, EZ curls, dumbbell curls, cable curls, or curls of any kind.  You don't need them. Ever.

So what are we left with for the core?  Deadlift, Squat, Overhead Press, and Bench Press. Man does that sound boring, right?  OK, you can skip the bench press, too. "Oh, my God...this guy is disgracing the whole bodybuilding and powerlifting canon". That's because you should train like an athlete and not a bodybuilder or a power lifter.  Remember the first "core" above? You know, the muscle groups that support your spine? Well, guess what muscle groups are trained by all three core exercises? Yep, the "core".  "But, dude, what about my back? My knees? My shoulder?" Please note, again, that you are not a bodybuilder, so the intensity used will build your strength, not TEST your strength. 

Now please note that I did not say anything about the "core" exercises being the entirety of a strength training program, just the centerpieces around which the rest is built. Remember, your wellness program is a series of time investments and the core exercises are the blue chips. We will talk about the mid- and small-caps later, but you can go to the bank with deadlifts, squats, and overhead presses. They use the most total muscle mass and the largest muscle groups, which build lean muscle most efficiently. Recall that more muscle mass means a higher resting metabolic rate and more space for glycogen, which means more calories burned and less carbohydrate stored as adipose fat.

Next time we will fill in some of the blanks on programming and begin to put some of the pieces together.

Stay well, my friends. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Fitness First Steps: Ze Plane, Ze Plane

Sensing that you have all missed the C-Suite Athlete I want  to apologize for not posting since last week. The international headquarters of 3Sigma Wellness are located in Orlando, FL, which, as you know, was directly in the path of Hurricane Irma. Anticipating mass mayhem and catastrophe, we decamped for Atlanta, only to return to a house with no power and worse yet - NO INTERNET.

The place where we stayed in Atlanta during the storm is on a golf course and has an unabated view of the tee box on a short par three. It was sort of like watching an aquarium: I went into a trance.

What I noticed right away was that golf swings come in all shapes and sizes, but older golfers seem to evolve toward the short backswing/short follow-through that looks like there is a brick tied to the end of the club. The  adage about the old guy hitting short but right down the middle of the fairway is likely true, but I'm sure you would trade in some of that accuracy for distance if you're constantly hitting a 5-wood or long iron on the second shot of every par four . The reason it's straight is because of muscle memory and ingrained neurological pathways.  The reason it's short is not because of a lack of strength, it's because a golf swing is actually a movement pattern that is made up of several small, multidirectional movements, and failure to maximize the efficiency of those movements creates a loss of torque, which is why you're hitting from the ladies' tees. The same is true of your forehand in tennis or your softball swing. Brutal. 

So as we begin to build a fitness plan, let's start with the basics. You know, the stuff you don't see in "fitness" magazines or in YouTube videos. I'm going to start with movement. Yeah, I'm going to get THAT basic.

Your body moves in three basic planes: sagittal (front-to-back); frontal (side-to-side); and transverse (twisting). Most of the time in our normal lives we are moving in the sagittal plane. Think of walking, sitting down, getting up, etc. It's all basically in a straight line. So what do we not want to do? We don't want to move in the frontal and - God forbid - the transverse planes. Accordingly, this is where most C-Suite Athletes need to focus. My personal belief is that you should train in all three planes of movement as often as possible, and preferably in a way that integrates all three planes at once.

So what are some integrated, multi-plane movements?

1. Heavy bag training. Think of a traditional 1-2-3 (jab, straight, hook) or front, side and round kicks.
2. Kettlebell training.Renegade Rows   and Turkish get-ups Turkish Get Up
3. Rotational Medicine Ball. There are many, many videos, but you'll get an idea of what's possible from this one Med Ball Workout

Stay tuned for the next episode.  It's going to be about "the core". You'll love it! 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Macro Mania: Now You've Got it So What Are You Going to Do With It?

Image result for Man Saying Thank You
First off, your author is very appreciative of the support you have shown me. As of today I have 119 followers, which is actually many more than I thought I would have at this point.  It's pretty amazing just how much you track those numbers.

At any rate, we left off talking about macronutrients and their relative importance in terms of body composition. In essence, tracking your macros and tracking your calories are the same thing, because there is a direct correlations between the two: 1g of each macronutrient contacts a fixed number of calories. Tracking your macros allows you to better achieve your goals than simply counting calories because - at the sound of being very, very tedious - most people who try to "lose weight" pick a "diet" (low-carb or low-fat) and then don't reallocate the calories appropriately.  This is why a "food plan" is always superior to a "diet". A food plan based on macronutrients will ensure that if you are in a caloric deficit that the deficit is being created by protein calories. You need protein to maintain lean muscle mass, which is the key to any body modification strategy.

In my last post I presented a copy of the following chart.  As a refresher, take your GOAL WEIGHT and multiply it by 11 and then allocate the macronutrients accordingly. My target weight is 200, so I used my own situation as the example. You all know that I'm 55, so I'm using the far right-had column all the way down. Remember to e-mail me at for a copy of the spreadsheet

Goal Weight (lbs)
Daily Calories
Age <40
Age 40-50
Age >50
Fat (FFA)
Carb (CHO)
Protein (PRO)
Daily Intake (calories)
Fat (FFA)
Carb (CHO)
Protein (PRO)
Daily Intake (grams) 
Fat (FFA)
Carb (CHO)
Protein (PRO)

LogoNow all of you Alpha-types are like "Dude, how in the heck am I going to keep track of all this, I can't even REMEMBER what I ate this morning, so I sure as heck didn't track it". Well, I thought about that and all I can say is "There's an app for that"!  There are actually many apps for that, but my personal research has led me to  My Macros+ This $2.99 app will allow you to set your macronutrient goals, track each, meal and snack, and show you a running total for the day. You can look up specific foods by type, and even brand name. If you can't find it you can create the entry yourself.  There's even a barcode reader built into the app. The set-up is fairly straight forward, but it does take a bit of OJT to get the hang of it. The best part is that the app lets you set up a "circle" of people who can see your data and you can see theirs. I am "3Sigma1" for all of you who want to give it a try.

My Macros+ also tracks two critical elements of your wellness investment that create daily habits that lead to other good habits: your weight and your water consumption.  We will talk about those things in the future, but, for now, it's great to be able to get all of that information rounded up in one place.

That's all for now. To recap, you now have the basic theory of nutrition, a mechanism for creating your food plan, and a tracking tool for collecting and analyzing your macronutrient consumption. In the next episode we'll move on to functional health, which includes mobility, flexibility, and recovery.

Please follow me on LinkedIn on Twitter @3Sigmawellness, and Instagram at 3Sigmawellness. You can also e-mail me directly at 3Sigmawellness@gmail. com

Stay well, my friends.

Real Fitness Advice for a Post-Covid 2022

 It's been awhile since this blog has been updated, so please excuse me if I'm a bit rusty after having to deal with Covid, post-Cov...